The exact way to do it when you encounter a stray dog
The stray dog

If you encounter a stray dog ​​on the roadside, and when you want to get close to it, it attacks without warning, please do not blindly think that this is a common problem of stray dogs. You must understand that stray dogs will not attack humans without reason.
If a stray dog ​​attacks you, it may be due to the following reasons:
1. It has violated its range.
2. Bully or play with it.
3. Are pregnant or have puppies.
4. Eating.
Therefore, please educate your family to avoid the above four situations. There are also the following guidelines:
1. Don't "run" towards it.
2. If the dog comes towards you, please stand still.
3. Let the dog smell you. This is how the dog recognizes you.
4. Talk to the dog softly. Sudden movements or domineering sounds will scare it.
5. If it looks friendly, pat it slowly and gently. If it relaxes and makes a low bark, this is its warning, do not touch it and leave it slowly.
6. Never run away when you see a dog. This is very dangerous.

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